NECESSARY EVIL continues as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers have returned—just in time to discover a secret that may tear apart the team!
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue 42 is definitely a fitting tribute to release on National Power Rangers Day. Without spoiling anything, there are some unexpected, but welcome cameos.
Plot lines from Go Go Powers Rangers are referenced naturally and are a big payoff if you have read every issue to date. There is a good balance here between all of the characters. While some have taken issue with the focus of the Omega Rangers from issue 41, every character has their moment to shine while advancing the story.
The time with the Omega Rangers is well spent. We get more backstory with Omega Blue Ranger Kiya and an undercover mission that feels like something from an alien version of a James Bond movie.
The last part of the issue sets up something that most readers have been waiting for. Highly recommended!
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