As Jason tries to hunt down his missing teammates, Tommy and Billy uncover a truth that will change everything.
Rita Repulsa begins plans to create a Goldar army to defeat the Power Rangers once and for all. Tommy and Billy, from Saba, learn the history of the new world and the creation of the being known as Lord Drakkon. They truly live in a world without Power Rangers, at least good Power Rangers, and as they begin to come to this realization they are approached by three familiar looking faces, weapons drawn. Just who are the Coinless?
We really, really, really want more of Lord Drakkon’s world, the history of how the Power Rangers fell in battle, and what happened to each of them specifically. We get to see the Phantom Ranger, the Alien Rangers, the Thunderzords, THE FALCONZORD, it’s just too much to take in with a single reading. Pick this up, read it a few times, enjoy the brilliant art, and come back for the next issue!
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