As Lord Drakkon’s power and influence grows, the Power Rangers work with new allies from across time and dimensions, including Ranger teams such as Time Force, RPM, and Samurai, to craft a plan to fight back…but is it already too late?
In Lord Drakkon’s palace we learn that the Coinless leader, Zack, has been captured by Drakkon’s forces. A Red Ranger Sentry elects to take the next round of interrogation when we learn that it is actually the double agent Skull.
Lauren, the Red Samurai Ranger, explains Lord Drakkon’s invasion to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. It is then that Jen notifies everyone that there’s a situation – Lord Drakkon is attacking everyone, everywhere, at the same time. They decide they need to warn as many teams as possible and Zordon sends out an emergency signal to all the different Power Rangers teams throughout time to warn them of Lord Drakkon, the Black Dragon Canons, and to join together if they can. Immediately afterwards they receive a transmission from Dr. K, from the Power Rangers RPM universe, who mentions she has managed to block the effects of the Black Dragon Canons.
The transmission is lost and a new transmission comes in from the Coinless and its leader, Zack. They give coordinates for the Power Rangers to arrive at and mention having discovered how to defeat Drakkon once and for all. And there’s still the issue of the other teams facing off against Lord Drakkon’s armies.
Jason chooses to split the team – Trini, Zack, and Billy will go see the Coinless, Kim and Jen will head to the other teams and save whomever they can, and Jason and Lauren will head to Dr.K in the Power Rangers RPM dimension to save her and bring her back to create more counter-measures against Lord Drakkon’s weapons.
Trini, Zack, and Billy arrive at the Juice Bar of Lord Drakkon’s world and meet with the Coinless. The Coinless Zack explains that for the most part they have been wiped out – a force led by Scorpina devastated their numbers, but they have intel thanks to Skull’s undercover work that if they free Ninjor they can use his power and knowledge to defeat Lord Drakkon.
Jason and Lauren have to travel 10 miles through the wastelands to reach the city of Corinth and take the time to bond, sharing their personal stories about being a Power Ranger. They soon arrive outside Corinth and assist the Power Rangers RPM in defeating some Ranger Sentries. While discussing plans with Dr.K they are shocked to see Lord Drakkon, along with some notable villains (Koragg, the A-Squad SPD Rangers, and the Psycho Rangers) headed straight for them.
In short – if you’re a Power Rangers fan of any length of time, this is like having everything you’ve ever wanted fed to you on a silver platter. We have tons of Power Rangers, tons of villains, and with an actual story attached to it. There’s so many details that we didn’t get in to during the Synopsis because at that point we might as well just post scans of the entire issue. Shattered Grid is the event Power Rangers fans have been wanting all their fandom lives and you need to pick up each issue to truly enjoy it.
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