The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and their allies prepare their final counterattack against Drakkon, as a new ally makes it through their world and Zordon makes a last-ditch call for help.
The issue opens with Kelsey (Lightspeed Rescue Yellow) and T.J. (In Space Blue) biding their time in prison cells on the moon (we assume Lord Drakkon’s dimension). This helps assert that the missing Power Rangers are not deceased but simply imprisoned.
We are now back at the Command Center with a plethora of Power Rangers and mentors. Ninjor explains Lord Drakkon’s plan and how he’s able to transmit so many Ranger Sentry powers – through a tower that works as a way to transmit those powers and to help access the different worlds of different Power Rangers. Destroying the tower will greatly assist them in defeating Lord Drakkon. Jason and Lauren announce the plan – they’re going to smash the tower and stop Lord Drakkon once and for all. But just then a proximity alarm goes off – it’s Andros, the In Space Red Ranger, and he informs the others that there are survivors being held on the moon.
We jump back to Lord Drakkon’s palace where he is furious with Ninjor’s escape and Skull’s betrayal. After a brief interrogation of Skull, Drakkon snaps his neck, killing him, and tells Finster-5 they must accelerate their plans immediately and fear for the worst that the others now know their plans and what they have to do to stop them. Finster-5 reveals that they’ve been able to reach the Ranger Slayer, Lord Drakkon’s personal evil Pink Ranger assassin who is currently in the Go Go Power Rangers comic dimension. Upon contacting her they discover that she has broken free and she vows to destroy him once and for all.
Back in the Command Center we have a touching reunion between Andros (from early on during the In Space season) and Karone (his sister in Lost Galaxy) as well as a conversation between Zordon and Commander Cruger regarding what it means to be a mentor. Jason and Grace Sterling also exchange pleasantries – and Grace reveals that Promethea can turn in to a fully functioning space ship (see: Terra Venture from Power Rangers Lost Galaxy). They will use that to travel in to space to free the Power Rangers imprisoned on the moon.
Another proximity alert goes off – more Power Rangers have answered Zordon’s call. The Power Rangers rush outside and are greeted by dozens of Power Rangers – including the brand new Power Rangers Beast Morphers and the Twitch.TV exclusive Power Rangers HyperForce. Zordon and Cruger enact the next phase in their plan, seeking help from the one person who may be able to save all of reality – Rita Repulsa.
The momentous and epic crossover of all time for Power Rangers fans continues to build. The artwork where the other Power Rangers arrive at the Command Center in a colorful shooting-star like depiction is simply breath-taking and needs to be done up in a lithograph. The combination of Kyle Higgins and Daniele di Nicuolo is one of the best pairings in comics at the time, and this issue is easily a Top 5 Power Rangers comic of all time.
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