Tommy steps into his new role as leader of the Power Rangers, but not everyone is convinced he’ll be able to lead like Jason did. Meanwhile, Zack, Trini, and Jason are given their first mission as OMEGA RANGERS, and must trust that their friends will be able to handle all of Lord Zedd’s threats without them.
Necessary Evil continues as this comic nears its conclusion and catch up to MMPR issue 40. While we know where the story needs to go, that doesn’t mean there aren’t some surprises in this issue. Without giving too much away, Lord Zedd’s plan is unexpected and will give readers more to think about the role of certain elements only introduced in the comics.
I was also pleasantly surprised that this issue revisited a personal plotline with one of the Rangers. It was stories like this that make Go Go a standout of the Power Rangers comic series, and one that I hope continues in the main comic after Necessary Evil. We don’t always need a big event to tell compelling stories.
After Necessary Evil ends, I look forward to reading the event in chronological order. Go Go has done a great job of filling in the missing pieces of the event while simultaneously introducing some surprises that keep us coming back. If there ever is a successor to this series, I can only hope it can come close to what Go Go Power Rangers has achieved.
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